KCPE may be one of the life changing exams since it greatly determines the course of your higher education studies and eventually your career.

If you perform well in your KCPE you get admission to any secondary school of your choice. Thus it is paramount that you and your teachers take primary education seriously.

It is crucial that you cover you syllabus well before the examination time. Many teachers may ensure that this is done but you as a pupil need to go the extra mile and read as widely as you can. If you find that your class is lagging behind in any subject, read ahead of the teacher and seek help where necessary. Most teachers go out of their way to assist pupils when approached politely.

You need to read and comprehend what you are taught. Do not just memorize what you are learning. KCPE Examination mostly tests your understanding of the concepts you have learnt in class. Most questions require you to apply the information you learnt.

As part of your revision arsenal, KCPE past papers are handy in preparing you for the KCPE Exams. Seek them and do a thorough revision. Revisit all the past papers you can find and ensure you get to know the scope and breadth of the questions normally set in KCPE examination.

Do as many tests as possible. Every time you do a test whether in school or on your own, take note of the questions you have done wrongly. If you find that there is are topics you are failing to score as expected in most of the tests you attempt, then know you have to seek help in that specific area.

To get you started in your revision, we have a compiled KCPE past papers for you. Download them freely here. We have KCPE KNEC past papers from as early as the year 2006 as well as KCPE Mock past from a variety of top performing schools and counties.

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